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Norton Antivirus 病毒库升级(2004-12-1)


i32.exe 升级文件支持下列赛门铁客的反病毒软件产品:

    NAV 2001 for Win95b/98/NT/2000/Me
    NAV 2002 Professional Edition
    NAV 2002 for Win98/Me/NT/2000/XP Home/XP Pro
    NAV 2003 for Win98/Me/2000/XP Home/XP Pro
    NAV 4.0 for Windows NT 3.51
    NAV for Firewalls 1.5 or higher
    NAV for Lotus Notes (Intel)
    NAV for MS Exchange (Intel)
    Norton SystemWorks (all versions)
    Norton Utilities for Windows 95/98 (all versions)
    SAV 3.0 CacheFlow Security Gateway
    SAV 3.0 for Inktomi Traffic Edge
    SAV 3.0 for NetApp Filer/NetCache
    SAV 8.0 Corporate Edition
    SAV/Filtering 3.01 for Domino
    SAV/Filtering 3.02 for MS Exchange 2000
    pcAnywhere32 7.5 and higher for WinNT

x86.exe 升级文件支持下列赛门铁客的反病毒软件产品:

    NAV 2001 for Win95b/98/NT/2000/Me
    NAV 2002 Professional Edition
    NAV 2002 for Win98/Me/NT/2000/XP Home/XP Pro
    NAV 2003 for Win98/Me/2000/XP Home/XP Pro
    NAV 4.0 for Windows NT 3.51
    NAV 6.0 & 7.x Corporate Edition
    NAV for Gateways 2.x (WinNT/2000)
    NAV for Internet Email Gateways 1.x (WinNT only)
    NAV for Lotus Notes (Intel)
    NAV for MS Exchange (Intel)
    Norton NT Tools
    Norton Utilities 2.0 for WinNT
    SAV 3.0 CacheFlow Security Gateway
    SAV 3.0 for Inktomi Traffic Edge
    SAV 3.0 for NetApp Filer/NetCache
    SAV 8.0 Corporate Edition
    SAV/Filtering 3.01 for Domino
    SAV/Filtering 3.02 for MS Exchange 2000
    Symantec CarrierScan Server for Windows 2000 Server
    Symantec CarrierScan Server for Windows NT Server 4.0
    Symantec Web Security (WinNT/2000)
    pcAnywhere32 7.5 and higher for WinNT

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